March 14, 2025 Update:

Results of Board Meeting today regarding MHM Communites Letter of Intent (LOI) to Purchase ESC
As you know our By-laws state 329 of the 365 Shareholders must vote yes to sell our Community. The threshold for the maximum number of no votes is 36. Out of the 84 Shares represented today, 70 rejected the LOI offer. More importantly, 47 of the 84 voted they were not interested in selling at any price. That's a 56% rejection rate to any offer. At this time, no LOI will proceed to a shareholder vote. Perhaps in a few years this could be revisited but for now, there does not appear to be nearly enough shareholders interested in selling their shares of Enchanting Shores.

Previous Updates:

+ The March Shorelines edition is now available. Click here! Thank you so much Mr. Przekop. Well done!
It's amazing how many community events and activities there are here at Enchanting Shores - Great people and good times!

+ Our Activities page has been updated with current 2025 activities, area activities & local news.

+ Electronic Voting and Email notifications of meetings:
We have 155 Shareholders who have consented to Electronic Voting and 175 who have consented to Email notifications of meetings. To participate in Electronic Voting in the next election please submit your Consent Form.

+ Pay your ESC Quarterly Maintenance Fees via ACH. ACH is basically an electronic check.
Just fill out a Shareholder ACH Authorization Form and drop it off at the ESC Office, in the mail, or send it to ACH forms are also available at the ESC Office. Over 55 Shareholders are currently using ACH payments to pay their ESC fees.

+ Official Mailings and Email Notice of Meetings:
If you want to update your mail delivery preferences for official mailings simply click here and
fill out the form and email to: or drop off at ESC Office.
This Official Address and Telephone Form is also available at the ESC Office.

+ Please note: Checking in at the ESC office with a blue Check-in Form or filling out a Directory Address Form has no affect on your Official Mailing Address or chosen delivery method. The Directory Form is just for the ESC Directory.

Good day to you!
Kelley Whaley